Monday, February 25, 2019

Contaminated food at holy apostles church 2/25/19


2/25/19: while at holy apostle's church between 10:30am-11:30am located at 28 street and 9 ave) and after eating the food ( meat stew, tea , water etc.) I became very ill (light headed, dehydrated, dialated pupils). Given my symptoms, research and previous experiences at this place and other narcotics ( Crystal method, cocaine, heroin, etc.) Was planted in my food. Another attempt by Michael sorum Rockefeller and Tara Scully Rockefeller to frame me as a criminal ( drug dealer, drug addict, tax fraud, tax evader, sexual deviant sex criminal street hustler) in retaliation for filing charges against then with the EEOC for racial discrimination.

                                            Please Read The description of The Youtube video

pics of my pupils


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Gang stalker narcotics dart gun at nypl 2-23-19



Community of hope 2-23-19

Please read the description of the YouTube video

2-23-19 10:30am-11:40am community of Hope contaminated hotdogs. After eating the food that was served by an asian family (hot dogs and potato chips and tortilla chips), I became very ill (light headed, dehydrated, dilated pupils, accelerated heart rate) given NY symptoms and previous experience's here and research narcotics ( crystal meth, cocaine, heroin etc.) Was planted in mY food. Another attempt by Michael Rockefeller, Tara Scully Rockefeller and their masonic gangstalker goons to frame me as a drug addict, drug dealer, tax fraud , tax evader, sexual criminal, sexual deviant, and street hustler in retaliation for filing charges against them with the EEOC for racial discrimination.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Gangstalker Narcotics Dart Hudson Library (NYPL) 2-22-19

2-22-19 11:25am- 12 while using the computers at the hudson branch of the nypl i felt a prick on my back (11:48pm) afterwards i began to feel sick, light headed, deyhdrated, accelerated heart rate, and my pupils were dialated. I was hit with a gangstalker narcotics (Crystal meth, cocaine, heroin etc.) dart gun. Another attempt by Michael Sorum Rockefeller and Tara Scully Rockefeller and their masonic gangstalkers to frame me as a criminal  (tax fraud, tax evader, drug dealer, drug addict, sexual deviant, sex criminal, and street hustler) in retaliation for filing charges against them for
racial discrimination with the eeoc.

These pics of my pupils were taken around 12:14pm (2/22/19) in the computer area of the hudson branch of the nypl.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Pic Taker 2/21/19

 John Grant who lives on 23 street close to 8 ave took my pic without my permission on 2/19/19 in his apt, on his couch. he probably was recording our conversation too for his Rockefeller masonic gangs talking handlers

A Rockefeller Masonic Central Park Gangstalker 2/21/19

                     A few years ago I met this guy ('Angel') while walking through Central Park. We had a okay conversation and exchanged numbers ( he must've been recruited by The Rockefeller's Masonic gangstalking cronies after). When I take a walk in central park he is often there following me, stalking me, watching me. A few weeks ago while I was on the c train he was in the same car with men and got off at 125 street. He was staring at me and smiling in a nasty fashion. Afterwards I was being followed by an Asian man in all black (6? 220lbs? black hair with a guitar mid 30's).  at the 168 street station if I recall correctly. He followed me to the street and waited with me for the bus but when I decided too go back to the station he left but was watching me to see where I was going. Not long after I began to feel sick and realized I was hit with a gang stalker narcotics dart. I am sure 'angel' informed his Rockefeller masonic handlers that I was on that c train and they alerted that asian man to follow me and hit me with a dart. Another attempt by Michael Sorum Rockefeller, Tara Scully Rockefeller and their masonic goons to frame me as a criminal (drug dealer, drug addict, tax fraud, tax evader, sexual deviant, sex criminal, street hustler) in retaliation for filing charges against them with the eeoc.

Gangstalker Narcotics Dart At Hudson Library 2-21-19

                              Please Read The Description of The Youtube Video

2/21/19- While I was using the computer at the Hudson Branch of The New York Public Library (2/21/19 12:45pm-3:40pm)I was hit with a gang stalker narcotics (CRYSTAL METH, Cocaine, heroin, etc.) dart gun. I began to feel ill, light headed, dehydrated and had dilated pupils. This is not the first time this has happened to me here. This is being done to me in retaliation by Tara Scully Rockefeller and Michael Sorum Rockefeller to frame me as a drug dealer, drug addict, tax fraud, tax evader, sexual deviant/sexual criminal, and street hustler because when I worked for them I filed charges of racial discrimination against them with The EEOC.

                     My Dilated Pupils. I took these pics at the Hudson Branch Library around 3:30pm

1. Prototype Gangstalker Narcotics Dart Gun (If they had this years ago then what do they have now?):

2. My gang stalker testimony:

My Gangstalking Testimony 2/21/19

The woman with the dark hair is Tara Scully Rockefeller. She and her husband (Michael Sorum Rockefeller) had me targeted to frame me as a drug dealer, drug addict, tax fraud, tax evader, sexual deviant/sexual criminal, and street hustler.